Larsen Strings for Viola

Larsen Strings All Product Images © Larsen Strings A/S

Original Viola

Larsen Strings Original

Our Larsen Viola A has very nearly become the default choice as the foundation for the ideal viola set up. Offering versatility and projection combined with long lasting and consistent performance. Medium lends a lovely mellow sound, while strong offers brightness and power.

All four strings are offered in two tensions, medium and strong, the A string is also available in soft. The strong tension strings offer more volume and higher resistance to the bow.

String Details. Original Viola. Our Viola A string is made on a solid steel core. It is wound with precision rolled stainless steel flat wire. The C, G and D strings are made with a unique multi-filament nylon core. We use windings of precision rolled silver flat wire for the C and G strings, and aluminium for the D string.

Isabelle van Keulen

Isabelle van Keulen

Isabelle van Keulen Logo
Larsen Original Viola A
Larsen Original Viola D
Larsen Original Viola G
Larsen Original Viola C

Sound & Characteristics

Lovely mellow sound.
Easy response and long stability.

Larsen Strings Sound Wave
Information Sheet

larsen seal gold

Sound Map

larsen seal gold

Silk Colour Chart

Larsen Viola Original

Larsen Original Viola

Full available range. 600 x 600px x 72dpi.


Viola A

A Ball Soft


Viola A

A Ball Medium


Viola A

A Ball Strong


Viola A

A Loop Soft


Viola A

A Loop Medium


Viola A

A Loop Strong


Viola D

D Medium 


Viola D

D Strong 


Viola G

G Medium


Viola G

G Strong


Viola C

C Medium


Viola C

C Strong


Viola Set

Medium Ball


Viola Set

Ball Strong


Viola Set

Loop Medium


Viola Set

Loop Strong

Larsen Performing Artists

View reviews, videos and to connect with our colleagues and friends. See and hear the strings in performance and gain insights into each individual musician’s chosen set up.

Paul Cortese

Paul Cortese


Milan Milisavljević

Tobias Breider

Tobias Breider

‘It’s all about the music’

Laurits Th. Larsen. Violinist and Founder, Larsen Strings A/S

Our Options for Viola

Versatility by design: finding your perfect blend.

Larsen Strings Viola Original

Original Viola


Larsen Strings Viola Virtuoso ®

Virtuoso ® Viola


Larsen Strings Viola Fractional Aurora

Fractional Viola


Larsen Strings Viola Aurora

Aurora Viola


Affordable and clean energy
Made in Denmark

Aiming for sustainable solutions

Our ambition at Larsen Strings is to progressively work toward sustainable solutions in the way that we operate as a company. Some steps are small and some, such as our decision to upgrade to a C0² neutral electricity plan, are larger steps towards our destination.

Energy certificate

Ingolf Nielsens Vej 14A , DK 6400, Sønderborg, Denmark.

Larsen Strings A/S has chosen to support the environment by upgrading to a CO2 neutral wind energy plan.  Larsen Strings also supports UN World Goal 7 "Sustainable Energy" through its green choice.