Larsen Strings for Violin
Larsen Strings All Product Images © Larsen Strings A/S
Larsen Tzigane: Directly inspired by Ravel’s Tzigane and so delivering a richly smooth, saturated, sound with an overlay of sensual warmth. Rapidly played in and eminently playable with excellent focus and projection. A mellow accompaniment for the brighter to neutral sounding instrument.
Larsen Strings Reviews
Independent reviews submitted by musicians
I also want to mention the kindness and high professionalism of the staff at ‘Larsen Strings’. And I wish you lots of success in the future! Many thanks!”
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Sound & Characteristics
Especially recommended for instruments with a bright/brilliant sound. The warmest Larsen violin string.
Larsen Violin Tzigane
Violin E
Violin A
Violin E
Violin D
Violin E
Violin D
Violin E
Violin G
Violin A
Violin G
Larsen Performing Artists
View reviews, videos and to connect with our colleagues and friends. See and hear the strings in performance and gain insights into each individual musician's chosen set up.
Anne Akiko Meyers
Esther Abrami
Josef Špaček
Dami Kim
Alternative Options for Violin
Aiming for sustainable solutions
Our ambition at Larsen Strings is to progressively work toward sustainable solutions in the way that we operate as a company. Some steps are small and some, such as our decision to upgrade to a C0² neutral electricity plan, are larger steps towards our destination.
Ingolf Nielsens Vej 14A , DK 6400, Sønderborg, Denmark.
Larsen Strings A/S has chosen to support the environment by upgrading to a CO2 neutral wind energy plan. Larsen Strings also supports UN World Goal 7 "Sustainable Energy" through its green choice.