Larsen Strings for Viola
Larsen Strings All Product Images © Larsen Strings A/S
Larsen Original Viola
Full available range. 600 x 600px x 72dpi.
Viola A
A Ball Soft
Viola A
A Ball Medium
Viola A
A Ball Strong
Viola A
A Loop Soft
Viola A
A Loop Medium
Viola A
A Loop Strong
Viola D
D Medium
Viola D
D Strong
Viola G
G Medium
Viola G
G Strong
Viola C
C Medium
Viola C
C Strong
Viola Set
Medium Ball
Viola Set
Ball Strong
Viola Set
Loop Medium
Viola Set
Loop Strong
Larsen Virtuoso® Viola
Full available range. 600 x 600px x 72dpi.
Viola D
D Medium
Viola D
D Soloist
Viola D
D Extra Long
Viola G
G Medium
Viola G
G Soloist
Viola G
G Extra Long
Viola C
C Medium
Viola C
C Soloist
Viola C
C Extra Long
Viola Set
Medium Ball
Viola Set
Set Medium Loop
Viola Set
Soloist Ball
Viola Set
Soloist Loop
Viola Set
Extra Long Ball
Viola Set
Extra Long Loop
Ingolf Nielsens Vej 14A , DK 6400, Sønderborg, Denmark.
Larsen Strings A/S has chosen to support the environment by upgrading to a CO2 neutral wind energy plan. Larsen Strings also supports UN World Goal 7 "Sustainable Energy" through its green choice.