Visit the Larsen Video Channel: In performance and in discussion with Gautier Capuçon, Simon Morris, Tom Woods, Katri Patel, Andreas Brantelid, Renaud Capuçon, Christopher Franzius, Norbert Anger, Rainer Honeck, Braimah Kanneh-Mason, Josef Špaček, Daniel...
A selection of our advertising as featured every month in The Strad magazine but also in other publications. Please look out for new product launches and updates featuring the Larsen Strings family of artists. See more:...
Mastering the technical challenges and an authentic musical expression are the keys to the successful performance of a composition. To achieve these things, the instrument needs to respond easily and produce a rich variety of harmonic colour. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwieg...
We have updated our website address to a secure connection (https). This should not impact upon any links that you may have to us. It’s business as usual (but improved).
New from Hattie Butterworth. ‘If we have the belief that we as a unique individual has something to say on stage at a specific moment in time, the anxiety about a critical voice diminishes. The critic wasn’t on the stage with you, you are the one with the...