by Larsenstrings | Nov 23, 2021 | Cello, Quotes, Technical insight
“I really love these strings, every day I play them they are developing more and more the sound quality. I have found the perfect balance.” “Especially when testing the direct and bass-focused set, I noticed that my sound in this register became...
by Larsenstrings | Nov 11, 2021 | Cello, Quotes, Welcome
Welcome Sol Gabetta to the Larsen Strings family: “Wit, aristocratic poise and elegance; mercurial shifts of mood, intensity and lightness of touch in near-miraculous balance” The Glasgow Herald sol gabetta...
by Larsenstrings | Nov 10, 2021 | Quotes, Technical insight, Violin, Welcome
Paulo Chicória is a professional violinist and music teacher. He plays on a Johann Gottlob Ficker 1910 violin and a 2008 Copy of an Amati Violin. Paulo Chicória uses Virtuoso strings by Larsen and here are some of his thoughts: “they’re (Virtuoso)...