Ever wondered what influences the response, volume, and timbre of your instrument, and how you can optimise this? In this full presentation, Dr. Thomas Zweig, Vice President of Product Development at Larsen Strings provides insight into how instruments, strings, bow,...
Larsen Il Cannone Gold and Duek-woo Kim, Professor of Orchestral Studies in the School of Arts at Chung-Ang University. Violin: G. F. Pressenda (1830). Strings: Il Cannone Gold. Music Credit: Ponce – Estrellita (Arr. Heifetz) (Violin: Duek-woo Kim) Korea United...
Welcome to the Larsen Strings Family. Award winning violinist, Linus Roth, is Professor of Violin at the ‘Leopold-Mozart-Zentrum’ at Augsburg University and is also the artistic director of the Leopold Mozart International Violin Competition in Augsburg. He is also...
Professor Hui Jin: Welcome to the family! Professor of Violin, The Orchestral Instruments Studies Department at China Conservatory, Director of String Music Teaching and Research Centre and Supervisor of Postgraduate Studies at China Conservatory of Music, Doctoral...
Welcome! In, 2002, seventeen year old Chinese violinist Chen Xi won the top prize of the 12th International Tchaikovsky Violin Competition becoming the youngest ever first placed winner in the history of the event. He is currently a faculty member of the Central...