Dear Fellow Musician,
Much of our string development process has always been actively ‘hands-on’ with musicians both here at Sønderborg and across Europe. Trialling and testing new strings with the direct feedback and input supplied by players seen by us as an essential and invaluable stage in the evolution of new products.
With the new Il Cannone the aim, from our first concept, was to address the all too familiar compromise that violinists have had previously to make in sacrificing a wider and more nuanced sound colour palette for a somewhat narrowly focussed projection. Something of the subtler beauty of performance lost in the delivery of power as an inevitable compromise.
Much of the solution to this compromise has come in the form of a new multi-filament synthetic fibre, unique to us, which has provided us with creative possibilities capable of delivering both great projection whilst still retaining a rich variety of sound colour. This unique combination of both power and delicacy, prompted comparisons with the Guarneri del Gesù ‘Il Cannone’ in the hands of that violin’s most illustrious owner, Niccolò Paganini giving us a name for these remarkable new strings and prompting the new imagery.
During the development phase observations from musicians not only suggested the name but also confirmed that playability and feel on the fingerboard is widely judged as excellent with a good resistance to the bow. Descriptions offered for the sound delivered include:
‘Noble and powerful. A biting tone with real punch. Highly colourful with many intricate harmonics. Clear. Open. Brilliant. A very fast and easy response especially in spicatto.’
Il Cannone for violin is supplied packaged both as individual strings and as full sets available in two options. The Medium variant has a more moderate tension with an open, colourful, projecting, richer and powerful sound whilst the Soloist brings a fuller tone, with even more presence and focus.
As we say at Larsen Strings, we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to all that assisted with the development of Il Cannone and these strings are dedicated to you. As Paganini’s own inscription accompanying the release of his 24 Caprices for Violin states: Dedicated to the Artists.
Best regards,
Laurits Th. Larsen
Founder & Director
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