Last week we had the great pleasure of receiving a visit from Katri Patel. Katri has been a tremendous help in developing our understanding of how fractional strings for children should be constructed and we were very pleased to have this opportunity of showing her our premises.

Please view this video from one of our previous string test sessions in Stringers’ shop in London.

Working with musicians in string development

To develop strings that correspond to the demand of players we normally work in close collaboration with musicians.  But in the case of strings for children the matter is very different. When learning to play an instrument children have more than enough to do with holding their bow, reading their notes and playing in tune. They cannot describe on their own how strings affect their playability. So, if we want to understand how to make strings for children, we need the feedback of highly qualified teachers.

The unique characteristics of strings for children

Based on her many years of teaching – while using her analytical skills – Katri understands the particular difficulties that children encounter when playing the cello. Her detailed feedback and always positive and constructive criticism have strongly contributed to the success of our Fractional Strings for cello. Thank you, Katri, for your support. We are privileged to have the opportunity to work with you and …

We couldn’t do it without you.

To know more about Larsen Fractional Strings, please visit