Cihat Aşkın


“Askin played with elegant phrasing and an enthralling spirit. In “Salacak Sarkisi” by Askin himself, he beguiled the audience with his superb technique.”

Anthony Aibel. New York Concert Review.

Larsen Strings for Cello
Larsen Il Cannone for Violin

About Cihat

Cihat Aşkın, is the international representative of Turkish Violin School, and serves as a cultural bridge between the eastern and western civilizations as a cultural ambassador.

He has participated in numerous concerts, festivals, radio and TV broadcasts, conferences and workshops in four continents and 51 countries. Cihat has shared the products of Turkish and universal music among the world’s leading artists on world stages and apart from his performing career, as an educationalist, he has founded many education and art institutions in Turkey.

Having had the opportunity to work with masters such as Ayhan Turan, Rodney Friend, Yfrah Neaman, Igor Oistrakh and Ruggierro Ricci, Aşkın has gained a renowned reputation as an international violin virtuoso, and been performing in concerts since the age of 11. After graduating from ITU Conservatoire, he completed his masters and doctorate degrees at Royal College of Music and City University in London.

Cihat Aşkın Violin
Cihat Aşkın performs with
Il Cannone for Violin

Having had the opportunity to work with masters such as Ayhan Turan, Rodney Friend, Yfrah Neaman, Igor Oistrakh and Ruggierro Ricci, Aşkın has gained a renowned reputation as an international violin virtuoso, and been performing in concerts since the age of 11. After graduating from ITU Conservatoire, he completed his masters and doctorate degrees at Royal College of Music and City University in London.

The winner of many national and international awards, Aşkın was honored with Rome Foyer des Artistes, The Kennedy Center – Gold Medal, Buenos Aires Medal of Honor, Istanbul Music Festival Honorary Award and the SCA Foundation Gold Medal.

He is the founder of ITU Center for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM), “Cihat Aşkın and Little Friends” (CALF), Aşkın Ensemble and Istanbul Chamber Orchestra. Apart from being a violinist as a composer, Aşkın has composed and arranged many miniature pieces and film scores. He is also a most sought after jury member in many national and international competitions.

Aşkın has recorded Kreutzer 42 Etudes, Bach 6 Solo Sonatas and Partitas and many other notable works. His recordings have been published by Warner Classics, Meridien, CPO, Marco Polo and Naxos companies as well as Kalan Music.

Cihat Aşkın Website

Cihat Aşkın

Please visit to find out more about the artist including forthcoming events and a portfolio of images, videos and recorded audio.

Isabelle van Keulen Violin & Viola
Johann Halvorsen. Passacaglia after Georg Friedrich Handel Suite No 7 in G Minor.
Cihat Askin, violin. Emir Kemancı, viola.

Alternative Options for Violin

Virtuoso® Violin

Virtuoso® Violin

Violin Original

Original Violin

Tzigane® Violin

Tzigane® Violin

Aurora Violin

Aurora Violin

Il Cannone® Violin

Il Cannone® Violin

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Made in Denmark

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Our ambition at Larsen Strings is to progressively work toward sustainable solutions in the way that we operate as a company. Some steps are small and some, such as our decision to upgrade to a C0² neutral electricity plan, are larger steps towards our destination.

Energy certificate

Ingolf Nielsens Vej 14A , DK 6400, Sønderborg, Denmark.

Larsen Strings A/S has chosen to support the environment by upgrading to a CO2 neutral wind energy plan.  Larsen Strings also supports UN World Goal 7 "Sustainable Energy" through its green choice.